Date 36 - Mr. In Flight with Height

  • The Scene: Traveling from an international destination back home to Atlanta.

  • The Attire: Black hat, black dress with a unique flair and a bold red lip (fleshly applied).

  • The Meeting: Walking to my first-class seat, I noticed him watching me. After he settled into his seat in the row in front of me across the aisle, he glanced back and said hello.

  • The Environment: An airplane freshly prepared for some of its most loyal customers. 

Throughout the 10-hour flight, he kept looking over his shoulder at me. He would make a comment here and there to which I'd oblige. We discussed our respective travel experiences, and when dinner was being served, he asked me if I would join him for dinner?

The seat next to him was empty.

I unbuckled my seat and thought, a date in the air, now, this is a first. So, why not?

He has family living overseas and spent the last three weeks visiting them. He was on his way back home to Canada, and I, on my way home to Atlanta. We chatted the majority of the flight until my eyes got too heavy to hold.

2 hours later, I hear the announcement that we were about to land in Paris. I stir awake to find him grinning at me. 


In Paris, we both had a lengthy layover, although we were headed in two different directions at Charles De Gaulle. So, we sat in the train station and chatted until we really needed to go our separate ways to get our respective flights. He walked me to my security gate. Leaned over (he, 6’6” and me, 5’2”) and gave me the sweetest, simplest kiss. We bid one another a farewell. He didn’t ask for my number, and I didn’t give him mine. It was a mile-high date that left me with a memorable in-flight experience. 

Thank you, Mr. In Flight with Height.

  • Note to Self: You truly never know where one step may lead. Always expect the unexpected. 

  • Shout Out to Men: It’s the little things that create remarkable experiences.

  • Question: Do you think simple encounters can be impactful? 


Date 37 - Mr. DJ II


Date 35 - Mr. DJ