Date 35 - Mr. DJ

  • The Scene: A nightclub that just opened its doors. Ample seating, space and sight to see.

  • The Attire: Hot pink skirt with pockets, jean jacket/shirt, silver mules, grey hat.

  • The Meeting: Sitting with my girls celebrating our sorority anniversary, a gentleman who is a friend of one of the ladies approaches. I had been scouting for someone to take our photo, and this was the perfect opportunity. “Excuse me, Can you take our photo?” I asked. 
    After the pictures, my girl leans over to me and says, “You do remember who that is?” I shook my head, and she explained that he was the DJ we all had a crush on back in the day. I still wasn’t aware, but after flipping through my memory rolodex, I was like, “Oh yeah, I remember.” 

  • The Environment:The live band jammed its set while the DJ warmed up the room.

After several hours, the club was hitting its stride. He, the DJ, was heading out and came to bid us all a farewell. I said goodbye and mentioned to him that I was tickled because I had just been reminded of who he was and that back in the day, all the ladies had a crush on him. He blushed a full-throttle, head to toe blush, and it was adorable. We chatted for about 45 minutes. At the end of our encounter, he asked for my telephone number and I obliged.

He stated that he would reach out that night to ensure I had his number and he did just that, and I was like, come on, man of your word. 

  • Note to Self: There is a magic to connecting with people live. 

  • Shout Out to Men: Blushing is attractive.

  • Question: Why is it that you can hear so much even when people aren’t talking?


Date 36 - Mr. In Flight with Height


Date 34 - The Unexpectant Gentleman