Date 32 - The Cyclist VII

  • The Scene: The entrance of my building.

  • The Attire: Cropped “Iron Maiden” shirt, black biker shorts and my staple red Nikes.

  • The Meeting: Downtown Atlanta.

  • The Environment: A different cycling crew.

Extending our participation with Cycling Clubs and given proper warning, we chose to ride with a different cycling group. This time, I grabbed my bike several minutes before his anticipated arrival and headed downstairs to be ready when he arrived. I saw him maneuver into a parking space and rode to meet him. I waited as he got ready and exclaimed, “Cherrod, I am going to ride shirtless” (In my head, of course), OK! He grabbed a strand of beads, and I asked, “We are adorning ourselves with beads!?” He reached in his truck and responded, “Or, the Kente tie?” 

“Of course, the Kente Tie,” I playfully returned. 

He placed it around his neck, locked up his SUV, and we biked off to meet the new crew.

It was horrible.

The crew was disorganized, disjointed,  disengaged, and disconnected.

I was happy when we forced an early end.

He was frustrated as it played out exactly as he remembered, which was a disappointment. People almost got hit. Nothing was called out. We weren’t riding together. It was a dangerous ride.

Back in the neighborhood, we reached his car where we replayed the craziness of the evening.

He departed.

I showered and got ready for the day ahead.

  • Note to Self: Try everything at least once (within reason – you gauge that spectrum). 

  • Shout Out to Men: Stay encouraged even when frustration falls down like rain showers.

  • Question: Why do people plan things without the skills to organize?


Date 33 - The Cyclist VII


Date 31 - The Cyclist IX