Thank you.

42 dates was an experience of a lifetime that extended over more time than I could have ever comprehended. COVIID was a special friend that added more energy to this social experiment. In the 42 dates, I did not find the love of my life but I found lessons that I will forever take with me. I know that I could have a man if I did not respect myself enough, love myself enough, trust myself enough, know my own worth … but I do …

Equally yoked will come.

I have faith in God that its being worked out on my behalf.

I have cried, I have been appalled, I have been encouraged, I have been disappointed, I have been challenged, I have felt defeated, I have felt inspired, I have needed motivation, I have laughed so hard it hurts; the spectrum has taught me so much about myself, my patience, my worth.

My heart is grateful that you would take the time to come alongside each and every date. Its been a wild ride. I will not do it again but I enjoyed every single solitary moment of the time. Learning about myself, my standards, my negotiables, my non-negotiables and most importantly, what I know to be true about myself.

As my Mom often says, β€œknow thyself because people will have you thinking up is down.”

I enjoyed this journey.

My heart is still open.

If you have a cousin that is in his 40’s in my best Rihanna voice, tell him to pull up!

Here’s to a beautiful experience in this wonderful thing we call life.

Love and hugs!

P.S. I am twirling into my forever


Post 42: Unknown